Author: mdm remodeling

When planning for bathroom remodel in California, it’s essential to answer this question:  Do you need permits to remodel a bathroom in California? The short answer is yes.

Regulation regarding the construction and remodeling of bathrooms varies from one state to another. However, you should have a permit to start bathroom remodeling in California.

If you or the contractor do the bathroom remodeling without getting the necessary permit, they will face the full force of the law. Building and Safety Authorities impose substantial fines and the homeowner risks incurring other expenses of redoing the work to meet the laid down policies and guidelines.

When Do You Need Permits to Remodel a Bathroom in California?

You require a permit for all the entities of bathroom remodeling in California. That includes modifications to new constructions, electrical wiring, plumbing, and other mechanical processes.

In summary, you need a permit for the following bathroom projects;

  • Additions
  • Improvement
  • Demolitions
  • Repairs
  • Renovations. 

California Building Codes will only allow you to begin these remodeling projects when you already have a valid permit from local authorities.

Where Will You Obtain Permit to Remodel a Bathroom in California?

Homeowners in California should obtain bathroom remodeling permits from the Department of Building and Safety.

Any bathroom remodeling that cost more than $500 needs a verification and to be inspected by the Department of Building and Safety. Notably, a permit is optional for remodeling work valued at less than $500 unless it’s anticipated to affect the stability of your property.

Why Do You Need a Permit for Bathroom Remodeling?

Most homeowners fear acquiring bathroom remodeling permits because they are expensive and can interfere with the budget. However, a bathroom remodeling permit is not an unnecessary expense. Instead, permits ensure that homeowners receive protection from uninsured and unlicensed contractors.

A contractor who advises their clients against obtaining a permit is trying to avoid legal scrutiny. Therefore, avoid working with them. Prioritize in ensuring that you stay compliant with all the state regulations.

Homeowners can avoid the heavy consequences of undertaking their renovations without permits. Remodeling and building projects are constantly checked for compliance by the building authorities through various processes and mechanisms to ensure compliance.

Ultimately, permits are required for consumer protection. Therefore, always work with a contractor who will handle the assigned project only with the availability of permits. 

Consequences For Doing Bathroom Remodeling Without Permits

If the Building and Safety department realizes unpermitted work is underway, or even if it’s already complete, you and the contractor could face serious penalties. Furthermore, you could have the work taken down to redo it correctly and in compliance with the Building and Safety codes.

How To Know If Your Bathroom Remodeling Project Needs a permit

Generally, you need a permit for any bathroom improvement that changes the structural, plumbing, or the electrical wiring systems. Furthermore, bathroom remodeling permits are required for all commercial and residential structures. Always preview permit application requirements since they vary in scope and project extent.

Should Homeowners Apply for Bathroom Remodeling Permit by Themselves?

Homeowners are allowed to apply for bathroom remodel permits. The permit requirements are about the work done, and it doesn’t matter who did it. Therefore, if homeowners want to fasten the bathroom remodeling process, they can source a remodeling permit from the State of California Department of Building and Safety without engaging the contractor.

However, remember that it’s not always a brilliant idea to apply for a permit yourself, especially if you don’t wholly understand the local building codes and regulations. Choose a reliable contractor to serve your interests as you apply for the builder permit, depending on the scope of the remodeling project.

Most licensed contractors are willing to process permits on behalf of their clients, particularly those who don’t have the required knowledge and experience.

How Much Do Bathroom Remodeling Permits Cost in California?

The size and the estimated cost of the project determine the permit fees. The Department of Building and Safety in California has a permit fee calculator that will help you know the cost of your bathroom remodel permit.

Generally, small projects like plumbing, electrical, fencing, and decks cost between $100 and $300 for a construction permit. A building permit costs range from $500 to $2,000 for significant projects such as bathroom remodeling, basement finishing, and room extensions.

How Long Does It Take to Get Bathroom Remodel Permit in California

The exact time of waiting for a bathroom remodel permit varies depending on project specifications, work scale, and scope. Projects that need minor changes are approved within a day. On the other hand, complex projects have a standardized processing time that ranges from three to six weeks.

What Should Be Included in Remodeling Permit?

Remodeling permits require homeowners to provide proper detail on the projects’ scale and scope. The outline should have the utmost clarity. The permit you will get from the remodeling permit will vary depending on the plan’s specifications and expectations.

Where Should You Start Bathroom Remodeling Process

If you’re planning to modify your bathroom, you must choose a general contractor who comprehends your concept and can construct the style of bathroom you desire. They will help you identify the best design elements and be helpful during the permit application process. When you’re ready to begin bathroom remodeling renovation, engage with MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. to find the most qualified contractors.

Hire Profession Bathroom Remodeling Contractors

Finally, you should watch out for any contractors bidding on your bathroom remodel and claim they don’t require any state or municipal permits. They are probably taking shortcuts, skimping on the procedure, or employing an unregistered team to save money and avoid getting caught. It’s in your best advantage to follow the law at all times.

MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. will help you rebuild your bathroom in a way that complies with all building codes. When it comes to bathroom building or remodeling, you can be certain that our team of experts will adhere to all local and state regulations and obtain the necessary permissions to get the job done right.

One of the most important decisions you’ll make when planning a home improvement project is

choosing the right contractor. Finding a trustworthy contractor can be a daunting task, especially

if you’re not familiar with the industry. The last thing you want is to hire a contractor who cuts

corners or leaves the project unfinished. In this article, we’ll provide some helpful tips on how to

find a trustworthy contractor for your next home project.

Determine your project needs: Before you start looking for a contractor, it’s important to

determine your project needs. This includes the scope of the project, the materials you want to

use, and your budget. Make a list of the specific features or changes you want to make to your

home and prioritize them. This will help you communicate your needs clearly to potential

contractors and ensure that you receive accurate estimates. Be realistic about your budget and

to factor in additional costs such as permits and unexpected expenses. By having a clear idea

of your project needs and budget, you’ll be better equipped to find a contractor who can meet

your expectations. Take Sarah’s kitchen project for example:

Sarah and her husband have decided that it’s time to remodel their outdated kitchen.

They have a general idea of what they want to accomplish with the project but need to

determine their specific needs before starting the search for a contractor.

First, they discuss their must-haves for the new kitchen. Sarah loves to cook and wants a larger

stove and a more functional layout, while her husband wants more counter space and modern

appliances. They also want to update the cabinets, flooring, and lighting.

Next, they research different kitchen styles and designs to get inspiration for their project. They

save pictures of kitchens they like and make note of the specific features they want to include in

their new kitchen.

After determining their project goals and preferences, they set a budget for the project. They

decide on a maximum budget of $40,000, which includes the cost of materials, labor, and any

unexpected expenses.

To get a better idea of the cost of the project, they visit home improvement stores to get

estimates for the materials they want to use. They also research the cost of similar kitchen

remodels in their area to ensure that their budget is realistic.

Finally, they create a prioritized list of the features they want to include in their new kitchen, with

their must-haves at the top of the list. This will help them communicate their needs clearly to

potential contractors and ensure that they receive accurate estimates.

By taking the time to determine their project needs, budget, and priorities, Sarah and her

husband are able to start their search for a contractor with a clear idea of what they want to

accomplish with their kitchen remodeling project.

Seek out recommendations: Word of mouth is one of the most effective ways to find a

trustworthy contractor. Ask friends, family, and neighbors if they have any recommendations for

contractors they’ve worked with in the past. You can also check with your local home builders’

association or other professional organizations for referrals. When asking for recommendations,

be sure to inquire about the quality of the contractor’s work, their communication skills, and their

reliability. It’s also a good idea to ask to see the completed projects of the contractors that are

recommended to you. This can give you a sense of their style and skill level. By gathering

recommendations from trusted sources, you can narrow down your search for a contractor and

feel confident in your choice.

With their project needs and budget in mind, Sarah and her husband begin asking for

recommendations for contractors who specialize in kitchen remodels. They reach out to friends

and family who have recently had kitchen remodels and ask about their experiences with their


One of Sarah’s coworkers highly recommends a contractor who recently completed a kitchen

remodeling project for her. She shares photos of the finished kitchen and raves about the

contractor’s attention to detail and communication skills.

Feeling confident in the recommendation, Sarah and her husband reach out to the contractor to

schedule a consultation. During the consultation, they discuss their project needs and budget,

and the contractor provides them with an estimate for the project.

However, Sarah and her husband decide to reach out to a few more contractors before making

their final decision. They ask for additional recommendations from their home builders’

association and search online for highly rated kitchen remodeling contractors in their area.

After gathering several estimates and meeting with multiple contractors, they ultimately decide

to go with the contractor recommended by Sarah’s coworker. They feel that the contractor has

the experience, communication skills, and attention to detail they’re looking for and that their

project needs align well with the contractor’s expertise.

By gathering recommendations from trusted sources and meeting with multiple contractors,

Sarah and her husband are able to find a trustworthy contractor for their kitchen remodeling


Meet with the contractor in person: It’s important to meet with the contractor you’re

considering in person before hiring them. This will give you a chance to discuss your project in

detail and get a sense of their communication skills and professionalism. During the meeting,

ask the contractor about their experience with similar projects, their availability, and their

approach to the project. Be sure to communicate your project needs and budget clearly and ask

any questions you have about the process. The contractor should be able to provide you with

references from previous clients, as well as a detailed estimate for the project. Take note of the

contractor’s communication style and overall demeanor during the meeting. You want to work

with someone who is responsive, communicative, and professional. After meeting with multiple

contractors, you should have a clear sense of who you feel comfortable working with and who is

the best fit for your project needs.

Sarah and her husband arranged to meet with the contractor in person to discuss their

project needs and goals in more detail. During the meeting, they went over the plans they had

created with their designer and discussed the specifics of the project, including the materials

they wanted to use and their timeline for completion.

The contractor was professional, communicative, and attentive to their needs throughout the

meeting. He took the time to listen to their ideas and provided them with valuable feedback and

suggestions. He also offered them a detailed estimate that aligned with their budget.

Feeling confident in their choice, Sarah and her husband officially hired the contractor for their

kitchen remodeling project. Throughout the project, the contractor kept them updated on the

progress and communicated any unexpected delays or issues promptly. He also stayed within

their budget and completed the project on time.

Thanks to the recommendation from Sarah’s coworker and their careful research, Sarah and her

husband were able to find a trustworthy contractor who was able to bring their vision for their

kitchen to life.

Stay involved in the project: Once the project begins, it’s important to stay involved and

communicate regularly with your contractor. Make sure you understand what is happening at

each stage of the project and ask any questions you may have. If issues arise or changes need

to be made, don’t hesitate to communicate with your contractor right away. This will help ensure

that the project stays on track and that everyone is on the same page. Additionally, make sure to

be available for any necessary site visits or inspections. This will allow you to stay informed

about the progress of the project and ensure that it meets your expectations.

Sarah and her husband made a point to stay involved in their kitchen remodeling project

from start to finish. They communicated regularly with their contractor, asking questions and

discussing any concerns that came up along the way.

At each stage of the project, they made sure to review the progress and offer feedback. They

were careful to be available for site visits and inspections, making sure that the work was being

done to their satisfaction.

By staying involved in the project, Sarah and her husband were able to catch a few minor issues

before they became major problems. They were also able to offer suggestions and ideas that

ultimately improved the outcome of the project.

Thanks to their involvement and communication with their contractor, Sarah and her husband

were able to ensure that their kitchen remodeling project was completed on time, within budget,

and to their satisfaction. They were thrilled with the end result and felt that their involvement

throughout the process had played a key role in its success.

Working with a trustworthy contractor is essential to the success of your home improvement

project. By following these tips and taking the time to research potential contractors, you can

ensure that your project is completed with peace of mind and a job well done!

Home improvement projects can be a great way to improve the functionality, aesthetic, and value of your home. However, finding the right contractor to handle your project can be a daunting task, especially if you’re new to the process. In this post, we’ll be sharing some tips on how to find a home improvement contractor near you that you can trust, and providing more detailed explanations to ensure you are well informed about the process. 

Ask for Recommendations: One of the best ways to find a reputable contractor is through word-of-mouth recommendations. Ask your friends, family, and neighbors if they have any experience with local contractors and if they’d recommend them. Not only can they give you a first-hand account of their experience working with a particular contractor, but they can also provide valuable insight into the quality of workmanship, communication, and overall professionalism. If you’re a member of a local business community or homeowners association, you can also ask for recommendations from your fellow members. These groups often have a list of preferred and trustworthy contractors that they have worked with in the past. 

Research and Check Reviews: Once you have a list of potential contractors, it’s important to do your own research to find out more about their work, reputation, and customer satisfaction. Check online review sites like Yelp, Angie’s List, and the Better Business Bureau to see what previous customers have said about the contractors you’re considering. It’s important to read both positive and negative reviews to get a well-rounded perspective on their work. It’s also important to keep in mind that just because a contractor has only positive reviews, it doesn’t necessarily mean they are the best choice. You should always investigate and verify the information found in online reviews. 

Verify Licensing and Insurance:Make sure that any contractor you’re considering is licensed and insured. A licensed contractor should have a current contractor’s license number and be able to provide proof of insurance. This is important to ensure that they are legal and authorized to do the job, and that they carry liability insurance to protect you from any possible accidents or injuries that may occur during the project. You can check the contractor’s license on the website of the professional licensing board of your state, or by contacting the board directly. 

Get Multiple Bids: When it comes to home improvement projects, it’s always a good idea to get multiple bids from different contractors. This will give you an idea of what to expect in terms of cost and timeline for your project, and it will also help you compare different contractors’ qualifications, experience, and communication styles. This will provide you with a clear understanding of what your project will cost, and give you the opportunity to negotiate the price and terms with the contractor you choose. It also gives you the chance to identify if any estimates are too high or too low, and to look out for any red flags.

Ask for references: Ask the contractors you are considering for references from previous clients. Contact them and ask them about their experience with the contractor you are considering. This can give you a good idea of the contractor’s work ethic, professionalism, and attention to detail. This can also be an opportunity to ask the references any questions you may have, and to get a sense of the contractor’s communication style and how well they work with their clients. 

Get everything in Writing: Once you’ve selected a contractor, make sure to get everything in writing. A written contract should include details about the project, payment schedule, and timelines. This will help to protect both you and the contractor, and will ensure that everyone is on the same page about the work that needs to be done. This will also provide clear and written proof in case of any disputes or misunderstandings that may arise during the project. Not only does it ensure that you both agree about the scope of work, but it also provides legal protection if the work is not performed as agreed or if any damage or accidents happen during the project. 

Check for certifications and awards: When looking for a home improvement contractor, it’s important to not only check for licensing and insurance but also for certifications and awards. These can give you an idea of the contractor’s level of expertise and knowledge in specific areas of home improvement. For example, if you’re planning a kitchen remodel, look for a contractor with a certification in kitchen design or remodeling. If you’re looking for a contractor to do energy-efficient upgrades, look for a contractor who is certified in energy-efficient construction and has received awards for their work in this area. 

Look into their experience and portfolio: When you meet with a contractor, be sure to ask about their experience in the field. Find out how long they have been in business, and ask to see their portfolio of completed projects. This will give you an idea of the scope of their work and the quality of their craftsmanship. A good contractor will be happy to provide references and examples of their work, and should be able to provide pictures of their completed projects, both before and after. 

Check for communication and responsiveness: One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a contractor is their level of communication and responsiveness. A good contractor will be easy to reach and will respond promptly to your calls and emails. They will also be able to explain the process and answer any questions you may have in a clear and concise manner. A contractor who is difficult to reach or who takes a long time to return calls or emails is likely to be unreliable and may be a source of stress during your home improvement project. 

In conclusion, finding a home improvement contractor near you doesn’t have to be a difficult task. By asking for recommendations, researching and checking reviews, verifying licensing and insurance, getting multiple bids, asking for references, and getting everything in writing, you can increase your chances of finding a trustworthy and reliable contractor who will do a great job on your project. Remember, take your time and don’t rush into hiring a contractor, this could lead to a costly mistake.

Good luck on your home improvement project, and happy renovating!

Enthusiastic about giving your dated kitchen a fresh look? We spend much of our time inside the kitchen preparing food, eating with family, or even having a cup of coffee with a friend. It is one of the loveliest places inside our home.

Hence remodeling a kitchen can be an exciting project but also a daunting prospect. Unless you are doing a simple upgrade, like repainting existing cabinets or changing a countertop, you will likely need one permit or more to make sure what you do is legal and safe. 

In this blog, MDM Custom Remodeling will walk you through the kitchen activities that typically require permits and those that don’t, how to get a kitchen remodel permit, as well as the risks of not getting a permit when you should.

Kitchen remodel work that typically requires a permit

  • Plumbing: Adding a new sink or removing an old one, changing sink location, adaptations to sewer lines, installing new outdoor faucets, sometimes even replacing a water heater. That is because this type of work requires changes to the water supply and drain pipes.
  • Structural: If you want to alter, demolish, or add new walls, exterior doors, or skylights, you’ll have to obtain a building permit. Sometimes non-load-bearing wall removal also requires a permit. 

Also, if the wall you plan to alter conceals electrical conduits, air ducts, and pipes, you’ll require an additional electric, mechanical, or plumbing permit for the ensuing change to this infrastructure. 

  • Electrical: Any time you remove, alter, or install an electrical circuit, you’ll need to get an electrical permit.

For example, you will need a permit if you are moving your electric range to a new place because it requires a dedicated 240V circuit.

Also, you cannot move your fridge or microwave to a new location where they will be sharing the current with other appliances and overload the power circuit.

  • Ductwork changes: It includes new air conditioning, rerouting existing ventilation systems, installing a new range hood or moving the existing one to a new location. That is because range hoods rely on ducts to drive out the fume produced while cooking.

Kitchen remodel activities that may not need a permit

Simple kitchen remodeling activities that you can do yourself are usually possible without a permit if they don’t require any new plumbing, wiring, or ventilation.

  • Apply new wall coverings — You can paint walls or apply wallpaper, without notifying the building authorities. 
  • Repaint or change cabinets — You can sand and restrain or repaint existing cabinets without any problem. You can also take them down and install new cabinets if they are in the same location.
  • Replace countertops — You won’t have to get a permit to replace an existing countertop. 
  • Replace existing light fittings — You can replace an existing light fixture if the circuitry is already in place.
  • Change a sink — You can install a new sink and remove the old one as long as you don’t alter the existing plumbing.
  • Replace an existing faucet
  • Refloor your kitchen
  • Install new appliances if there is no need for additional electrical work. Otherwise, you will need an electrical permit.

How do you get a permit to remodel your kitchen?

You can apply to your local authorities for any necessary permits yourself, but MDM Custom Remodeling recommends you seek the aid of professionals in this arduous process. It may be a more expensive route, but it takes the stress out of the process.

A reputable kitchen remodeling company should be familiar with how the local building authorities process applications. It will take care of the entire permit process, including creating plans, submitting paperwork, collecting fees and attending inspections.

What happens if you don’t have a permit?

You can face multiple challenges if the building department finds out that your kitchen remodel required a permit, but you failed to apply for one. Any failure to acquire a building permit is a violation of California’s Building Code.

Any breach of Business and Professions (B&P) Code sections 7110 and 7090 subjects the violator to punitive action by CSLB, comprising civil penalty charges of up to $5,000 per violation.

Not applying for permits when you should create problems for yourself with the sale or refinancing of your home. You could also face extra fees and fines and experience delays when you apply for any permits in the future. Additionally, the authorities may ask you to rework your kitchen to comply with the local building codes.

Not applying for permits when you should create problems for yourself with the sale or refinancing of your home. You could also face extra fees and fines and experience delays when you apply for any permits in the future. Additionally, the authorities may ask you to rework your kitchen to comply with the local building codes.

Be prepared before you start the work for inspection and possible delays

Plumbing and electrical permits are sometimes issued shortly after you apply for them. While building permits for structural changes typically take around one month to 6 weeks.

You may also experience delays if there is a need for inspections. They are part of the permit approval process. The authorities visit the work site to ensure that the completed work meets all building codes.

If the inspection fails, they ask you to make more changes that will require a further visit for approval. The authorities may then visit you once the work has been completed or even during the progress of the project which may cause further delays.

What is a building permit?

A building permit has an extensive list of action items. They can be:

  • Demolition Drawings
  • Fundamental Drawings and Computations
  • Structure Elevations
  • Mechanical Drawings
  • Electrical Drawings
  • Site plan and/or Grading Plan
  • Plumbing Line Drawings
  • Technical Requirements
  • Architectural Floor Plans

Work through the permit process with help from the professionals

Take the stress out of your kitchen remodel project. Consult with a professional contractor or home renovation company that saves you time and money and avoids your frustrations by ensuring that you have all the proper building permits. 

Step every day into a place that you love, into a spectacular kitchen where you can share special moments with your family and friends.

Ready to discuss your next kitchen remodeling project? Talk to MDM Custom Remodeling at 323 210-3350

Preparing to kick off you’re first home renovation project? Whether you’ve decided to renovate a room or gut your whole house, the entire process can be exciting and nerve-racking. But it doesn’t have to be. Creating a home renovation checklist can help you plan out each phase of this project and ensure you complete all critical steps.

In this article, we will provide a step-by-step guide for creating the perfect home renovation checklist so that you can easily manage and track your home renovation project.

Project Planning 

Project planning is the first step in renovating your home. It consists of figuring out a timeline, setting a budget, and identifying the steps involved in the renovation. In addition, including a contingency plan can help you adjust quickly if an unexpected issue arises. 

Setting a budget 

According to a Houzz study, the median cost of renovating a home over the last two years is $18,000. Renovation projects can be costly. However, they can also boost the resale value of your house. 

Several factors affect the cost of renovating a home, including the scope of the work, materials, and labor. The final price tag is also influenced by whether structural repairs are necessary, any underlying issues, and the square footage. You’ll also need to account for surprise costs that may arise by factoring in an additional 10-20% of the total cost.

Before you begin renovating, find out how much materials and labor costs. Consult a few different contractors to get estimates and an idea of what you can expect to pay for the remodel. Following these steps, you can set a realistic budget for your home renovation project.

Create a timeline 

A good contractor will create a detailed schedule that includes the project’s start date, a timeline of the tasks that will take place over the next few weeks, and a projected end date.

If you’re undertaking a large project such as a kitchen remodel, renovating multiple rooms, or building additions, expect delays, as they are normal. Most contractors anticipate delays due to inspections, obtaining permits, waiting for products or materials to arrive, and even bad weather if they’ll be working outside. Your contractor should include projected delays in the schedule. Having a clear and realistic timeline in place ensures that the renovation is completed in a timely manner. 

Obtaining Permits 

Before beginning an extensive home improvement project, it’s a good idea to research local building codes and city laws. Renovations that involve building, structural changes, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical work require a government permit. Typically, it can take up to six weeks to obtain building permits and complete the required inspection. 

It may be necessary to obtain permits from various sources, including the local municipal, health department, zoning board, and fire marshal. As the homeowner, it’s your responsibility to secure essential permits and ensure that all remodeling work is performed legally and safely according to city ordinances. 

Selecting a Contractor

Hiring the right contractor for a home renovation project is akin to selecting a surgeon for an operation. If you make the wrong decision, you can end up with a botched body- hiring a bad contractor can destroy your dream of having a beautiful home, leaving you stuck with a disastrous construction job. The construction team you hire should be qualified to complete your home renovation project. 

Perform Thorough Research

Before you officially hire a contractor, do your research. Look into the contractor’s credentials and experience, and obtain references from previous clients. Reviews from past clients can provide insight into the quality of their work. Check the contractor’s insurance and bonding policies and ask them to provide proof of their policies.

Interviewing contractors 

Create a shortlist of the contractors you’re interested in working with and interview them all. During the interview, ask as many questions as you need to help you make an informed decision. Inquire about their experience with similar projects, and find out what type of warranty they offer on their work. Make sure they’re licensed, bonded, and insured to protect yourself in the event of a dispute. 

Take some time to review the contracts and ensure you understand the project’s scope and timeline before making a final decision. It’s also vital to obtain a written estimate.

Map Out Your Design Plans

Now it’s time for the fun part! Your home renovation checklist should include detailed design plans. Magazines, home decor websites, and social media pages can be excellent sources of inspiration. During this project phase, you’ll need to select furniture, lighting, finishes, accessories, and other materials to help bring the space to life. 

 Carefully consider each design element to ensure they synchronize with the existing architecture and surrounding environment. Think about how your family plans on using the space and the vibe you want to create. Pay attention to scale, color, texture, and other visual elements to create a cohesive and pleasant look and feel.

Choosing a style 

 To achieve a modern or contemporary look, select materials and finishes with clean lines, such as stainless steel, glass, and quartz.

Opt for classic materials like wood, stone, and tile if you’re leaning toward a traditional style. Be sure to consider your budget and the project’s timeline; this will allow you to achieve your desired look within your budget.

Make Temporary Living Arrangements

If you’re planning a major or whole house renovation, you’ll likely have to relocate while construction is underway. The renovation’s timeline will ultimately dictate the duration of temporary living arrangements. Depending on your family’s needs, you may decide to move in with family or friends or rent a short-term apartment.  

Start making alternate living arrangements early. Moving out is an additional expense, but the construction team will be able to work faster, and your family will be more comfortable.

Finalize Your Plans

You made it to the end! It’s time to analyze your home renovation checklist and make sure it aligns with your goals, the budget you set, and the allotted timeline for the renovation completion. Address any concerns right away and make adjustments as you see fit. Go over your checklist with your contractor before you finalize the plan.

Have you been thinking about changing up your bathroom? Maybe your family has grown and you simply don’t have enough room anymore. Perhaps your needs have changed, and you find that you rarely use the bathtub anymore, but could certainly use a larger shower. Or you might have found yourself looking at the old vanity, the dated shower and the toilet that no longer works as well as it should and started thinking that it all has to go – all of it! Right down to the walls, to start with something fresh and new.

If you’re considering remodeling your Los Angeles bathroom this year, you’re in the right place. MDM Custom Remodeling, Inc. can provide you with the services you need, from the initial planning to the final inspection. But before you dive in, take some time to look at your budget and figure out exactly what you can afford in your bathroom remodel. Understanding the remodeling costs in Los Angeles in 2023 can help you plan well and choose the fixtures, finishes, and materials that matter the most to you.

Let’s start by looking at the size of the project.

Size Plays a Huge Factor in Your Bathroom Remodeling Costs in Los Angeles

Of course, it makes sense that the size of your bathroom relates to the overall cost of your project – the larger the bathroom, the larger the price. Right? Well, not exactly.

What matters is not necessarily the square footage of the bathroom but rather, the number of fixtures you include in the space. As a general rule of thumb, the more fixtures you include, the greater the cost. You can have a quite spacious bathroom but if there is only a single-sink vanity, toilet, and walk-in shower, you are likely going to pay less than for a smaller bathroom with twice the fixtures.

To put that in perspective:

A half-bathroom is typically the lowest cost bathroom remodel, with only one or two fixtures – just a sink and a toilet. A full bathroom adds in another fixture, the bathtub or shower, with a total of three to four fixtures. Master bathrooms usually have two sinks, and deluxe bathrooms often have a separate shower and bathtub in addition to the other fixtures – there can easily be at least five fixtures, possibly more. That’s why a large, deluxe bathroom remodel will almost always cost more than remodeling a half-bath.

How Materials Affect Your Bathroom Remodeling Costs in 2023

The “finish level” of your remodel refers to the quality of the fixtures, finishes, and materials in your bathroom. This takes into account everything from your wall treatments and flooring to your choice of showerheads and faucets. Here are the most common finish types:

  • Budget options: These are usually the materials you find at your local home improvement store. This can include single-sink vanities, a variety of affordable tile, basic fixtures by names like Moen and Delta, and toilets, alcove bathtubs, and shower surrounds.
  • Mid-grade: These are higher-end items that you might be able to pick up at a home improvement store but would more than likely have to go to a more specialized place to do it, such as a kitchen and bath store. Look for names like Signature Hardware, Kohler, and American Standard.
  • High-end: These can include much nicer materials you can buy from a retailer or some custom options made just for you. Artistic Tile, Robern, and Brizo are common names for these more stately options.
  • Luxury: This is where you can go all-out with the most luxurious pieces you can imagine. The price tag is hefty but so is the customization. Names like Lefroy Brooks and THG Paris are good places to begin, but luxury could also mean truly custom from a master craftsman in the local area.

Budget options for your bathroom can run into the hundreds or even low-thousands of dollars, while luxury options could run into the tens of thousands for a single fixture!

When you’re looking at your bathroom remodeling costs in Los Angeles in 2023, let MDM Custom Remodeling, Inc. go over all the options with you and work within your budget to create the bathroom that is right for you. We can help you understand your options and guide you to mixing and matching them for a remodel that can keep you under budget but still provide a few show-stopping pieces.

Scope Matters When Remodeling Your Bathroom in Los Angeles

There are a few options when you remodel your bathroom. You don’t have to take it down to the bare studs – you can remodel certain parts of the bathroom instead, such as focusing only on a new shower but leaving the toilet and vanity alone. Let’s break down your options:

  • Small Scale Remodel. This remodel is exactly what it sounds like – a remodel on one part of the bathroom, such as replacing the bathtub with a walk-in shower or a bath/tub combination. This remodel might require work beyond the replacement, such as necessitating new flooring or wall treatments.
  • Rip and Replace. This is a full renovation that takes everything out of your bathroom and replaces it with all new fixtures and materials. The layout remains the same, so you don’t have to move around any plumbing or electrical wiring. This works great if you like the configuration of your bathroom right now but the fixtures are dated and need a refresh.
  • Gut Renovation. This is the mother of all renovations. It requires not only pulling everything from the existing bathroom but might also include taking down walls, moving around plumbing and electrical lines, and completely changing the layout of the space. In other words, you’re removing the bathroom entirely and starting with a blank canvas.

A gut renovation is much more involved than a full renovation and thus, there are many steps you must take before you even begin. This includes obtaining professional design services and permits. Here at MDM Custom Remodeling, Inc., our one-stop shop provides you with the services you need to make your dream bathroom a reality.

Overall Costs for Your Bathroom Remodel in Los Angeles in 2023

Before we break down the individuals parts of your remodel, you might be wondering what a good average cost might be for what you want to do. Let’s take a look:

  • A budget remodel, going with handsome yet affordable options, can run about $18,000. 
  • A mid-grade remodel, where you choose some budget options and some show-stopping additions, can run around $28,500. 
  • A high-end remodel, in which you look for items that are top-of-the-line and go with attractive interior design options, can cost $40,500 and up.

Keep in mind that these costs do not include finishing materials and any city permit fees that might be required.

Bathroom Remodeling Services and Your Cost in Los Angeles

Some homeowners choose to piecemeal the work and go with a separate design firm, architect, general contractor, and the like. Here at MDM Custom Remodeling, Inc., we take the guesswork and trouble out of finding multiple companies to do the job. We can work closely with you to design the bathroom you want to see, talk about the options that might fit into your budget, help you obtain the necessary permits (if you need them), and handle the construction of your new bathroom – all with one contact that starts with a free consultation.

Breaking Down Your Bathroom Remodel

If you’re not quite sure what sort of remodel you want, consider each section of your bathroom and decide what you want to do with it. Do you like the walls but hate the floor? Do you enjoy your bathtub as it is but the shower leaves a lot to be desired? From simply replacing the vanity with something nicer or tearing out the entire bathroom to start fresh, MDM Custom Remodeling, Inc. can help you choose which elements to keep and which to take away. Let’s break down the bathroom, piece by piece.

The Vanity

You have several options for a vanity. The lowest cost is a pre-fabricated option, such as what you might find at a local home improvement store. You can choose one that has a countertop already with it or one that requires you to choose a separate countertop. While these are affordable and certainly do the job, you have very limited customization for the piece. You can choose between those that have one sink or two. These vanity options typically run between $300 and $2,000.

If you want a vanity that is longer than six feet, has more than two sinks, or has specially-designed cabinets underneath, you’ll need to go with a custom option. These start at $2,000 and go up from there – depending upon the material you choose, the cost could go up to as high as five figures.

Creating Your Shower

This can be one of the most expensive parts of your bathroom remodel. If you are doing a full gut of the bathroom for your remodel, you can opt to change up the shower however you please. That means you can choose anything from a corner shower to a bathtub/shower combo to a walk-in shower, depending upon the space you have available.

As you might imagine, a prefabricated shower surround is much more affordable. Though these are usually made of fiberglass, they can mimic other materials and look quite good doing it. It can often be installed for less than $1,000. However, you can go a more expensive route with tile on the walls and/or the shower floor. In general, the smaller the tile and the larger the shower, the more expensive the labor costs will be.

Other materials, such as marble or natural stone, take your shower to a higher-end level and can cost in the tens of thousands.

If You Include a Bathtub

Not every bathroom includes a bathtub – a bathroom with only a shower is a quite popular option. But those who want a luxurious master bath experience, have children in the home, or have trouble with mobility will want to ensure there is a bathtub in the house. A bathtub is also a great idea if you intend to sell the home in the future.

If you’re worried about affordability, keep in mind that a shower/bathtub combination is likely not going to cost much more than a bathtub itself – assuming that the bathtub is an alcove style or similar, where it meets the wall where the plumbing will be. You can expect this to run anywhere from $500 to $2,000, but likely on the lower end.

However, a stand-alone tub is also a great option. Imagine a cast-iron clawfoot tub in the center of the room, or an elegant Japanese soaking tub taking center stage. You will likely pay more for these options, but if you are hoping to make your bathtub an anchor focal point in the room, you can’t go wrong with the freestanding tub. Depending upon your dreams for your bathroom, you could spend thousands on the right tub.


Most bathrooms have tile flooring, and for good reason: It’s an attractive, waterproof surface that comes in an endless array of colors, sizes, and designs. But just as with tiling a shower, using tile on the floor of your bathroom – or even on the walls – can be an expensive endeavor. To save costs, you could go with waterproof vinyl planks or linoleum. It’s important to talk with us about what you envision for your bathroom and discuss the type of flooring you want. We might be able to figure out an option that gives you the elegance you want at a more affordable price.

Plumbing and Fixtures

Don’t underestimate the potential cost of your faucets, showerheads, valves and handles. Some homeowners choose to go with budget materials but want the faucets and showerheads to stand out, giving a look of elegance to the room. Consider that the most basic faucets and handles might run a few hundred dollars, while high-end options can run into the thousands.

Electrical and Lighting

If your lighting is outdated, you might want to improve it with recessed lights, decorator lighting around the vanity or hanging lights over the tub. Even a lovely lamp on a long vanity can add a look of classic sophistication while providing the bright light you need to see in the bathroom. Keep in mind that changing the lighting might mean adding more electrical wiring and switches.

Don’t forget the exhaust fan – you might want to upgrade to a quieter model. If you like where it is, you just have to worry about replacing the fan itself and not necessarily making any electrical changes. Let MDM Custom Remodeling, Inc. look at your situation and tell you where electrical changes might be necessary.

Other Potential Expenses for your Los Angeles Bathroom Remodel

There could be other expenses for your bathroom remodel in Los Angeles. In 2023, there are plenty of supply issues still lingering after the height of the pandemic. And because of that, the cost of materials could be higher than what you might have expected a year ago. Keep that in mind as you move forward in choosing the elements of your bathroom remodel.

Demolition of your existing bathroom is a quick part of the job but it does require heavy labor and the use of a dumpster to take things away. Most other “surprise” expenses will come after the remodel is over. For instance, you’ll need to paint the walls (or apply wallpaper) when the job is finished. You might want to install a shower door, towel rods, grab bars in the shower or bath, and shelving units. You might find that you want to include things that drive up the price substantially, such as a nice mirror, medicine cabinet, or high-dollar light fixtures. Keep these in mind for your bottom line.

MDM Custom Remodeling, Inc. can help you with your bathroom remodel from start to finish. We can talk with you about your dreams for the space and what you can practically afford, then help you choose how to proceed. We can provide the custom design services you need to get started, help you get the permits you might need, keep you updated throughout the work, and be there for the final inspection of the job. Get in touch today to let us guide you through the process.


What is the average bathroom remodeling cost in Los Angeles in 2023?

The cost of your bathroom remodel depends upon many factors, including the size of the bathroom, the type of remodel, the cost of moving around any plumbing lines, and the quality of the fixtures and finishes you choose. A rip-and-replace full bathroom remodel in Los Angeles can average anywhere from $18,000 to $74,000 – a very wide range! A major remodel that requires gutting the room can add up to 25% more to that cost. Only the pros at MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. can look over your bathroom and give you a solid estimate.

How much does it cost to demolish a bathroom in Los Angeles?

Demolition costs are usually dependent upon the square footage of the bathroom. It’s one of the quickest phases of the process. Let us take a look at your bathroom plans to give you a firm estimate that includes the cost of demolition.

Is a permit necessary for a bathroom remodeling project in Los Angeles?

That depends on what you’re doing with your bathroom remodel. The permit requirements vary from one locale to another. In general, permits are necessary if there will be any changes in your plumbing, electrical, or mechanical elements, or if load-bearing walls will be moved. The cost of your permit will depend upon the local rules. Let us look into the costs for you.

What are the costs to tile a Los Angeles bathroom?

The cost of tiling a bathroom in Los Angeles depends upon the size of the bathroom, the preparation of the space, the type of tile you choose, and the labor required to install it. A good rule of thumb is to expect between $26 and $82 per square foot, but that can vary even more widely depending upon your choice of tile.

How much does it cost for vanity replacement in my Los Angeles bathroom?

Vanities can range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, depending upon how large and fancy you want to get. In addition to the cost of the vanity itself, you might have to relocate the plumbing or electrical, expand them, or bring them up to code. Preparation of the site and the installation will incur labor costs. If you are going with a high-end, custom job, expect to pay more.

What does a shower remodel in Los Angeles cost in 2023?

Remodeling your shower can run you from a few thousand dollars to $15,000 or more. As with any other bathroom remodeling costs, the final price will depend upon the size of your bathroom, the shower you choose to upgrade to, and any plumbing or electrical you might have to move to get the shower where you want it. The materials you choose will make a big difference as well – for instance, standard ceramic tile might cost you around $1.50 per square foot, on average, while marble tile might run $50 per square foot or more. To be sure of the costs, get in touch with MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. for a good estimate of what you can expect to pay for your shower remodel.

What are the small bathroom remodeling costs in Los Angeles in 2023?

No matter the size of your bathroom remodel, the cost largely depends upon the number of fixtures you have, the quality of those fixtures, and the materials you choose. To put that in perspective, a small bathroom remodel could run $15,000 if you choose high-end fixtures and materials, but a large bathroom remodel could cost the same if you go with lower costs for fixtures and materials. Therefore, it’s difficult to provide a good estimate until we take a look at your bathroom and talk about the materials you want to use. MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. can look over your plans and give you a good estimate on the cost of remodeling your bathroom.

Are there any hidden costs to bathroom remodeling in Los Angeles?

As with any other major remodel, sometimes unexpected expenses will pop up. This can be especially true in a bathroom, where water is a constant presence. If we get into the walls and discover an issue with your plumbing, such as a water leak that has led to rot, mildew or mold, you might face additional expenses to fix the problem. It’s a good idea to set aside an extra 10-15% over the cost of your estimate to pay for these unexpected issues, should they arise. If everything goes smoothly, then you have some extra cash left over for decorating the bathroom when the work is done!

Do you have a wonderful little space above your garage in Los Angeles that could make an exceptional accessory dwelling unit? You’re in luck! The California state government recently relaxed the formerly strict laws about creating an accessory dwelling unit above a garage. If you don’t currently have a finished space that can be converted to an ADU above your garage in Los Angeles, you can certainly create one. It’s a great idea to take advantage of the unused space and enjoy the revenue from another income stream or expand your living area to include the benefits an ADU can bring.

Why an ADU Over Your Garage is a Good Idea?

A garage space is fantastic for your vehicles and extra storage options, but what about the space above? As space is at such a premium in Los Angeles and southern California, it makes sense to build up. A garage with an ADU above that contains a bedroom, living space, kitchen, and bathroom can bring in nice rental income from either long-term or short-term tenants. In addition, the ADU adds square footage to your property, which can boost your property value.

But there’s also the bonus of having an extra space you can use for family or friends. As multi-generational households become more common, an ADU above the garage can provide the additional dwelling area and privacy necessary to ensure harmony in the home. If you already have space for everyone but that leaves privacy, and quiet time at a premium, you can use that newly-finished space as a home art studio or recording space, a workout area, an office, or a cozy getaway.

If you ever choose to sell the home, the ADU can be pretty appealing to potential buyers; Forbes reports that many homeowners are willing to pay more for homes that have a garage with an ADU above, as it provides them with flexibility in using the space for whatever they might want – a home gym, an office, or just an excellent place for grandma to visit.

If you are planning to use your ADU to generate rental income from tenants, get up to speed with the rules set forth by the City of Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Housing Department offers in-depth information on renting out accessory dwelling units. Make sure you can stay compliant with the rules before you make the decision to turn your ADU above the garage in Los Angeles into a money-making rental property.

Digging Into the Finances: ADU Above the Garage Costs

Building an ADU over the garage in Los Angeles means adding an additional story over the existing space, which qualifies as significant construction.

Regardless of the work required, the costs of an ADU above your garage can vary widely depending on the contractor you choose to work on the property. Those costs also depend upon the following:

  • Any refinishing required for the exterior of the building
  • The materials you choose for the ADU
  • Aligning the ADU above an attached garage with the second floor of the home
  • Reinforcing the garage foundation to accommodate the added weight
  • Reconfiguring or installing utilities
  • Adding a new roof and interior and/or exterior stairs
  • The age of the house and how much work must be done to bring it up to modern code
  • The overall design: for instance, an outdoor staircase might cost less than an indoor one

So what are the ballpark figures? The average cost of detached new construction above a garage runs from $260,000 and up, depending on design and size. That’s assuming approximately 400 square feet of a two-car garage plus a 400 square foot ADU above, including the stairway.

That might seem like a lot of money, but keep in mind that you can create additional income with that space, which can eventually offset the costs of your investment. When it comes time to sell the property, a well-constructed ADU can increase your selling price.

Building an ADU Above the Garage in Los Angeles

When you start to consider building an ADU, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with all the things you’ll need to do from the start of the project to the completed space. Breaking it down into small, manageable steps is the key to getting the job done without compromising your sanity.

1.Start with ADU Concept Design

Begin by asking yourself some fundamental questions about how you intend to use the ADU. Are you looking for income by making your ADU a short-term or long-term rental property? Do you want a cozy home office or gym? Is this intended to be a getaway space for you or the whole family, perhaps a game room or a den dedicated to watching sports or movies? Will the ADU eventually become a home recording studio? Or will you be creating the space for a family member, such as a mother-in-law suite?

Once you know your intention for the space, you can move on to creating the Concept Design. You could hire MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. to create the Architectural Concept Design, which will include the floor plan, interior, and exterior view design, 3D rendering, and 360 degrees panoramas with a virtual walk-through. This lets you experience walking through your finished ADU project virtually before you invest even one dollar in construction or blueprints. This Concept Design Service by MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. includes searching city and county records to verify what the local zoning and building code allow in your area. This Concept Design also includes an accurate budget plan, which provides you with an accurate cost of the project before you commit to the high cost of construction. Your contractor will use these guidelines to build the ADU to the proper specifications.

2. Clear the Plans with the City of Los Angeles

The ADU Concept Design you get from MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. will comply with the regulations for Los Angeles. This will be the foundation of the complete set of blueprints MDM Custom Remodeling Inc. will create for you to ensure the project is approved by the city. The plans must be officially approved by the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety. This step is vitally important to ensure that you are in compliance with all the laws and regulations. After approval, you can start the process of applying for a construction permit.

3. Consider the Funding

There are numerous options for financing an ADU, including your current cash on hand, a loan or line of credit based on your home equity, a renovation or construction loan, a cash-out refinance of your home, and more. Take your time in choosing the right option before you move into the construction of your ADU.

4. Get a Reliable Contractor

When hiring a contractor, look for one that has significant experience in building ADUs, especially those that are built over a garage in Los Angeles. Not only does seasoned contractor understand what it takes to build a safe ADU over your garage, but they also know their way around the permit process and the new regulations and rules regarding accessory dwelling units in Los Angeles and southern California.

5. Be Involved in Selecting Finishing Materials

While construction of your new ADU is in progress, you’ll need to select the finishing materials you’d like to install. This can include windows, doors, roofing materials, interior, and exterior finishing, plumbing and electrical fixtures, AC system, tiles, flooring, paint colors, and more. Use your contractor’s help to get these materials at discount prices to save money.

6. Finishing Tips

Select colors to paint the space in a way that not only makes it look bigger but makes it more appealing to potential tenants. Grey and white have dominated the painting space in recent years, but now the colors that get attention are light-intensity earth tones, blues, and, yes, the ever-present greys. Choose those for your wall and look for furniture that complements them.

7. Cast Your Eye Toward Potential Storage

Make furniture work double-duty by opting for smart storage solutions, such as ottomans that open to create space for blankets and drawers hidden away underneath the bed. Just as you built upward with your ADU over the garage, consider going up with storage – tall armoires, high cabinets, and even racks dropped a foot or so below the ceiling can be great to tuck away small items and keep the rooms looking light and airy.

8. Timing

Make sure you can trust your contractor to commit to the completion date. Check the contractor’s background with previous customers who had a project of a similar size to yours. Ask those customers how long it took to complete their project. Did the contractor complete the work right on time or even ahead of schedule?

When you choose to build your ADU over the garage at your Los Angeles home, the keys to success include good planning, a smart architect, following all the rules and regulations set forth by the state and local governments concerning ADUs, and finding the right contractor for the job. It might seem like a lot to handle, but the end result is worth doing the right way.

The tiles in a bathroom are undoubtedly a key feature. They can be used in colorful and decorative ways to add style to this space. But when it comes to choosing tiles for a bathroom remodel, panning is essential. In Los Angeles, it\’s easy to get overwhelmed with numerous tiling options. That is why we have highlighted a few guidelines in this blog, which will help you choose the right ones for your bathroom. Keep reading!

How to Choose the Right Tiles for Your Bathroom Remodel

Opt for Light Colors

Do you want to have a light and airy bathroom? Then it’s best to choose the light colors of tiles. Go for the tiles of off-white, white and other light colors, which will make you feel about your bathroom is spacious. But make sure you choose grout colors that don’t contrast sharply with the tiles.

Make Sure the Tiles Are Easy to Clean

Bathroom cleaning is truly a big hassle for homeowners, especially if you are busy with your hectic schedules. Hence, it’s wise to go for tiles that are easy to clean. Porcelain or ceramic tiles are easy to clean. Besides, less grouts in between tiles also result in easier cleaning. Explore our more traditional bathroom designs to know more in this regard.

Choose the Tiles That Are Slip-Resistant

It’s one of the vital facts for choosing bathroom tiles. Slate can be a sound choice if you prefer a darker tone in your bathroom. Besides, having more grouts in between tiles can make a bathroom slip-resistant. In this regard, it’s also best to add small tiles to the floor of a walk-in shower and larger tiles for the remaining parts. But remember, glass bathroom tiles can be extremely slippery. 

Pay Attention to Patterns

Now, it’s time to think about the pattern. If you want to go for a field tile, the options are endless, including brick, basketweave, etc. But in terms of mosaic tiles, you need to determine the pattern based on the mosaic you choose. And consider how busy your bathroom floor would be. For the shower wall, the brick pattern is the best.

Consider the Style of Your Bathroom

Before choosing bathroom tiles, consider the overall style of this space. Make sure you choose the option that suits your bathroom design, which can increase the aesthetic appeal of this space. Otherwise, the overall look of your bathroom may be spoiled. 

So, wait no more! Contact us to give your bathroom a new look! Visit Yelp to know more about us and read other blogs to keep yourself updated!

If you own a house, maintenance, repairs, and remodeling will be a part of it. Home expansion projects can be costly! But, if it is done right, it will be more than worth the investment. 

Working with an experienced home expansion contractor ensures your project is completed as it should be. And they can help your house feel more like home. Here are a few reasons to hire a home expansion contractor.

Why do you need to Hire a Professional Home Expansion Contractor?

What is the best time to do the home expansion? Well, there is actually no specific time for it! You can opt for this project to increase functionality in your house. Let’s discover the reasons behind working with a professional home expansion company.  

1. They Have Years of Experience 

We always want a comfortable process for any home improvement project! A home expansion contractor has the skills and experience and knows how to complete the work effortlessly.

They can set up their work area with the least impact on the rest of your home. Also, they know how to work in different weather conditions. And you can expect the best outcome for your project. 

2. Always Give you the Best Solution 

Working with an inexperienced contractor leads to several costly repairs and poor construction later.

An experienced home expansion contractor is able to deliver high-quality work based on the type of your house. And this is because they have spent years in this industry and have completed several different projects. 

So along with high-quality work, you can expect proper suggestions. 

3. Hassle-Free Solution 

Another reason for working with a home expansion contractor is a stress-free experience for you throughout the project. The professional general contractor will walk you through your project from start to finish. And clarify all of your doubts, and handle local building permits. So you enjoy the journey and the finished result.

4. They Have Insurance and Licensee 

What if something goes wrong or is damaged during a home expansion project? That is why it is crucial to hire a licensed and insured contractor.

Having a proper certification indicates the contractor can keep their client continually updated on the good, bad and ugly. And you can even ask for medical expenses if any injury happens. 

If you are trying to find a home expansion contractor, consider working with a professional company. Professionals can help you with your next home improvement project. For more information, visit us on Yelp.

An attractive but cost-effective bathroom remodel is absolutely attainable. But implementing the right ideas is a must, which will give you a satisfying outcome on your investment. Have you already started planning to remodel this space? Then take a look at this blog first! Here we have highlighted a few smart ideas for bathroom remodeling suggested by industry experts. So, let’s check them out!

A Few Smart Ideas for Bathroom Remodeling

Listed below are a few bathroom makeover ideas that many reliable contractors in Los Angeles suggest.

Small and Textured Tiles on Shower Floor

There are a lot of flooring options and tile choices for a bathroom remodel. But when it comes to the shower, opt for the small and textured tiles to keep your feet protected from slipping. These tiles are easy to clean. And most importantly, they resist mold, humidity, and stains.

Stick to a Small Tub 

Want to install a bathtub in your bathroom? Remember, bigger is not always better. It’s wise to stick to a small tub that takes less floor space in a bathroom. As a result, you can have a space for storage, a countertop area, and more. You will need less water and energy to fill them. Go through Yelp reviews to know more in this regard.


Though it’s not an exciting part of a bathroom remodel, a ventilated bathroom should be a priority. A bathroom vent fan can be a smart addition. It can draw out moisture and odors, which will improve the air quality in your bathroom. It can also prevent mold and mildew growth. 

Go for Heated Flooring

When it comes to choosing a bathroom makeover design in Century City, many people opt for this idea. However, if you want to replace the floor of your bathroom, opt for heated flooring. Apart from increasing the value of your home, this flooring option will save money on energy costs. 

Include Ample Storage

You will need enough cabinets, shelving, and drawers to fit all your bathroom needs comfortably. Make sure the storage option you choose will function with your day-to-day life. For example, choose a vanity with enough storage space to keep your bathroom items at your fingertips.  So, what’s holding you back? Opt for these ideas to make your bathroom functional and give this space an incredible look. But never clutter your bathroom with unnecessary accessories. Pick the items strategically that fit your lifestyle and design preferences.